Menz geniet die gratis kursusse op Udemy en ook die waarvoor menz R120 moet betaal. So doen menz verlede week “Beginners guide to personality pshychology“. In die kursus is ‘n persoonlikheidstoets ingesluit oor extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness en neuroticism.

Openness is an overarching concept or philosophy that is characterized by an emphasis on transparency and free, unrestricted access to knowledge and information, as well as collaborative or cooperative management and decision-making rather than a central authority. Openness can be said to be the opposite of secrecy.

Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being careful, or diligent. Conscientiousness implies a desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously. Conscientious people tend to be efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly.

Extraversion indicates how outgoing and social a person is.

Agreeableness is a personality trait manifesting itself in individual behavioral characteristics that are perceived as kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm, and considerate.

Neuroticism – Individuals who score high on neuroticism are more likely than average to be moody and to experience such feelings as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness.




(Sien die analysis-paralysis in die tabel? Ja. Fok.)

Die feit dat menz gereeld in die kak beland oor menz nie menz se mond vinnig genoeg kan toe maak nie, wys in openness en agreeablesness se hoë en lae punte. Dis fine, menz is ok daarmee.

Nie dat dit veel van ‘n eye opener was nie, maar menz het nie verwag dat neuroties een van die beskrywings van menz se persoonlikheid sal wees nie. En nogal so vêr bo die gemiddeld – menz het dadelik begin rondloer oor wie of wat vir menz kyk. Toe lees menz bietjie verder aan die vertolking daarvan.

It’s the personality trait that is most relate to things like anxiety, depression, being temperamental, being self-conscious and anger. Neuroticism ultimately describes how emotionally stable somebody is and how sensitive they are to negative things that can happen to them.

People who are highly neurotic generally have a challenging time coping with the many demands of daily life. They can become very worried and very emotional when they are under stress. For people high on this trait they’re more likely to see situations in life as being threatening even if others don’t see it that way. They also tend to be less forgiving when they feel slighted.

Partykeer voel menz soos ‘n doomsday-prepper. Menz loop maklik dinge vooruit en beplan intern vir alle moontlike gebeure en variasies – ALLE. EN menz hou dit alles binne. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Fok, dit hou menz se kop besig! Veral in  hierdie land en ekonomiese situasie. Met hoe dit by die werk gaan en ook hoe menz elke maand al hoe minder met menz se besteebare inkomste (groot woorde, klein waarde) kan doen. Hoe en wat menz ekstra kan doen om voorsiening te maak vir veilig wees en suksesvol wees en leer en lees en idees en geld vir vakansie en …

Menz het mos al genoem dat menz se top 5 sterk punte InputConnectednessLearnerIdeation en Intellection is, nê?

Jis, dis moeilik om menz te wees. Sal bietjie weer by menz se talkshowhost moet gaan kuier … sy sal bietjie moet orden en huis skoon maak. Internal alignment. Daai wat jy nie so suksesvol met ‘n moersleutel kan verstel nie. 😉
